
Left Tuscarora Yacht Club in Wilson, NY at 8:30 a.m.  Weather forecast looks good, low winds and waves.  Good thing we did not arrive a day earlier or we would have been looking at this! ( Hurray for dental emergencies). 

10:30 am:  I smell bacon and eggs, I love my Wallace. 
11:20 am:  Increasing waves on the beam.  (For my land lubber friends that's the side of the boat, and for Dirt Free that means a lot of rolly polly stuff).  May not go for Rochester if this keeps up.
11:30:  US Coast Guard Patrol pulls up along side.  Just a smile and a thumbs up and they turn to leave.  4 x 300 hp motors on the back, woah.
4:00:  Another Coast Guard Patrol and the same thing, just a smile and a wave. We must look trustworthy. 
Apparently they dropped by twice more, but I was too busy being thrilled to be sweeping and doing dishes. Not kidding here, I actually spent time downstairs and did not succumb to motion sickness this trip!!

Anyways, we made it. Arrived about 4:30 

Wine time

Here at Rochester Yacht Club they are hosting the North American Lightening (19 ft.) sailing Dinghy championship.  Waiting to see 80 boats compete tomorrow. They then go on the the world championship next year in Sydney AU. 

Rode the bikes into town to buy an american flag, bought 5 bags of candy instead.
All in all, another great day in paradise.


Rochester Yacht Club:

First night free as a reciprocol
Free Wifi
No Fuel


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