Hudson on the Hudson and Anchorages

My phone died with a lot of my photos, grrr

Stayed at Hudson Boat Club dock.  We got a reciprocal rate of $30.  Power available as well as fuel.

About Hudson

Shopping in Hudson is very chic and as you can see, not much to choose from.

Found this wonderful garden shop, I do miss the yard but we have a small garden that helps.
Peppers, chives, parsley, basil and a hydrangea just for colour, if it blooms again that is..

First Night at Anchor - Kingston

We are now anchoring whenever we can, first time for me was at Lynch's Marina in Kingston.  Me: huh that was easy and fast.  Wallace: they won't all be like that. Spent the night with the hatch open enjoying a cool breeze and looking at a vast array of stars.  I haven't seen stars like that in years. At this point I am convinced that I will like anchoring.

Second Night at Anchor - Haverstraw

Anchored off the beach at Haverstraw.  Again it was easy and a lovely night.  I have to get used to being so close to other boats, although Wallace says we are hundreds of feet apart, it certainly does not look like it.


Third Night at Anchor - Nyack

OMG, although setting the anchor was no problem the waves and whitecaps were terrible.  Felt ill for most of the first day until the tide turned.  The next morning, same thing....we were rolling and the cupboard contents just shifted back and forth to each side...something like my stomach.

Looks like, with the hurricane warning (Hermine) that we will be here for a few more days (oh yay).  Had to postpone our reservation at Liberty Landing.  Looking forward to climbing Lady Liberty and visiting Elis Island if we get there.

Wallace was right, it is not always fun and sunshine.  And to top it off the Rockford Sheriff decided to pay us a visit.  They were nice enough, although we now have to call in at every port of entry in each region.  They were kind enough to make the call for us for this region, so we are good for a while. 

That's all for now...


  1. surprised you did not know that about calling in not to many do but it is recommended they track you anyway as soon as you hit the canal system you are not alown they know were you are good thing to pay attention now; you're spot link does not work some of us worry about you with weather and all (teenagers)you kids stay safe dismal swamp check it before you get there Active captain good bet

    1. We will be mindful not to worry. I am looking forward to the Dismal Swamp though. Sharon

  2. PS tomato plant will survive if you need some green

  3. Back-up your pictures daily to one of the online services, drop box, cloud, google etc, to prevent future heart ache.
    Same with the computer, as you are discovering, bashing around happens in boats.
    Onboard back-up methods are exposed to the same perils.
    The phone could just as likely end up in the drink at some point...?


    1. Good idea. I'm going to investigate that now. Thanks, Sharon


  4. Well in order to be an excellent adventure it has to have some (minor) challenges, no!
    I had no idea this antiquated rule of calling the different regions was still in effect.
    Love your blog!


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